How HSV Fans Can Drink the Turf of the Volksparkstadion

Jan Budde Abendblatt

For his spirit production, Hamburg entrepreneur Jan Budde regularly processes one kilogram of greenery. Hamburg: Green is famously a color that HSV fans have little to no affinity for—so much so that even the main sponsor, HanseMerkur, adjusted its branding tones to ensure there was no resemblance to their northern rivals from Bremen. But for […]

Body Attack Becomes New HSV Supplier


THE MANUFACTURER OF HIGH-QUALITY SPORTS AND DIETARY NUTRITION SUPPORTS HSV AND ITS TEAMS AS A SUPPLIER SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE 2024/25 SEASON. Hamburger SV is delighted to announce BODY ATTACK Sports Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG as a new supplier. Since the start of the current 2024/25 season, the Hamburg-based company, founded in 1994 […]

club! members: NO DAY WITHOUT AN IDEA


During his university days, he sold mobile phones. The money Jan Budde earned was invested in his first company, which offered nutritional supplements. Today, he also produces spirits, organizes parties on the Elbe, and has many more plans in store. How does one become a successful entrepreneur? Jan Budde has his own explanation: “As a […]

Not everyone is cut out for self-employment

Malte Wettern in conversation with Jan Budde, CEO of Body Attack Sports Nutrition. An on-site meeting in Hamburg-Eidelstedt. “Mr. Budde, you were already entrepreneurial as a student, buying and reselling dietary supplements. What excites you about entrepreneurship? What motivated you back then?” Jan Budde: I have always earned my money on my own. My motivation […]

Body Attack Partners with Hamburg Golf Association

golf body attack kooperation

Body Attack Sports Nutrition is breaking new ground in sports sponsorship and has been supporting the Hamburg Golf Association as a nutritional partner since April 2013. “Golf is an exciting new sport for us. It allows us to reach a completely new target audience. Few people in golf are familiar with our brand, which makes […]

Body Attack Keeps HSV Pros Fit

hsv body attack fussball

The 34-Year-Old Jan Budde Supplies Diet and Vitamin Products and Expands His Chain of Stores The idea came to him as a student. Hamburg. Jan Budde is a resourceful businessman. Even as a schoolboy, he founded a small company and turned his hobbies, sports, and fitness into a side job. Budde purchased nutritional supplements and […]